Friday, September 18, 2009

Dr. 90210 -Dr. Rey

  Today we visited the studios of Telemundo to say hello to our friend and favorite Spanish news anchor, Jose A. Rondstad. We had the pleasure of bumping into Dr. 90210 who became a fan of the face of Bokaos Aveda...also known around the reality TV  circuit (Split Ends-Final Cut) as the "Green Hairstylist," not for the color of her skin (although when she's upset she might turn a little green) but for the 20yrs of leading the hair industry in environmental practices. She was preaching the ways that we could give back to mother earth before sustainability was a common word. 

Dr. Robert Rey is a leading plastic surgeon known for his perfectionist style, professional work ethic and the naturally gorgeous results he provides to his patients.

We have been using and loving his new and effective skin care line called  Sensual Solutions, available at Nordstrom's. Plumper lips, smoother eye area, plumper skin immediately. The travel kit is a must, give your skin a much needed vacation too!

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