Tuesday, September 22, 2009

R e i n v e n t i n g M y s e l f

"My dream allows me to give up at any moment all that I am in order to receive all that I can become."  
John C. Maxwell                            
Hair by Hasblady Guzman
I started working with hair when I was 4 years old at my Mother's salon. I had planned to be a Marine Biologist. To put my self through College I decided instead of waitressing, I would do what I already did with my eyes closed, hair. Went to Beauty school & college simultaneously, got my license, and thought I was the IT girl in hairdressing. I had been doing hair at mom's forever in Colombia & USA both for latin women. They were impressed with the daughter of the owner. When I was 19, I decided that I wanted to see how the other half lived, and my English had gotten better. I  began working with a large chain called Heidi's, with 47 stores across the states. "Of course in two months I would become one of the art directors and travel all over the states showing other girls how it is done!" Instead I was hired as an apprentice, I figured they needed to warm up to my talent for I was too young, and thought that because I had an accent, I would cut with one. I was placed in the hands of a master trainer, Mark Anthony. Who looked at me and said "You will be my protege, do not dissapoint me." In my head I said,"It's me Has, It's in the bag. Please."

Hair by Hasblady Guzman                     On the first day he threw away all that was in my new shiny bag in the trash, and he said to me, "I'm going to get rid of all your bad habits. Get off your high heels, color your hair brown, and keep it neatly in a pony tail. NO more make up than gloss, nails manicured, no acrylics. You are to be here 30 min before me with my coffee waiting, and you will stand by me holding a comb incase I drop the one I am working with. You may leave only after I have left, and leave my station neat and update my client files." I also had homework. As I arrived home I was to tape 3 fingers on my right hand with my scissors on. Of this he would say "Practice till it hurts, do it till you cannot do it anymore, and after that, keep doing it." He would have me, "blow dry the hair with a 9 row Denman brush." Finally, after my fingers were bleeding from all the heat, he would say to me "Now you're doing it right. You are holding the brush and blow dryer correctly." Of course this princess would have walked out laughing the first day to never come back.

Hair by Hasblady Guzman
His skill was that of an architect, his blow drys impeccable mirrors of shine. His demeanor by the chair. He elevated our profession to that of a doctor. And to learn that I was willing to surrender all of who I was for what I could become. Was it painful? YES. Was it worth it? Every grueling minute of it. In the end I was his best product, I did not know I was his first trainee. He trained me like they do in Europe-- no mercy, no pain, no glory. He had been trained by Vidal Sasson him self.  I had been under mom's loving tutelage, after I saw his first hair cut, I never looked back. I went on to train in London, Spain, NY, & Miami. I have strived to master all there is to know in this craft. I have worked on New York Fashion Week, TV, movies, music videos, celebrities..etc. Yet-- I feel like that first day of training-- in fact I have been groomed to feel that I'm only just starting out, and a blister reminds me that I've done a good job today.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

CUTATHON-$25 Haircuts to Raise Money for Clean Water

Thursday 9.24.09
2:00pm - 10:00pm

Bokaos Aveda hosts a CUTATHON [$25 haircuts donation 100%] in honor of Clean Water.

Bring in your friends and family for a hot new look and your donation will make a difference in many children's lives living in undeveloped nations, without clean water.

Charity Water is an organization we love because of their direct impact, that means your money goes directly to a water project all 100% of it.

Millions of people have joined and raised money for clean water in various ways. The one we love is the "birthday for clean water." Throw yourself a birthday party, thats right have yourself a ball!!!

Ask your guests skip the gifts and donate to your birthday fund which will go straight to helping hundreds of people get clean water. Depending on how old you are turning, lets say it's your 35th birthday, you will ask your guests to each donate $35. 

Contact Charity Water to set up your Next Birthday

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dr. 90210 -Dr. Rey

  Today we visited the studios of Telemundo to say hello to our friend and favorite Spanish news anchor, Jose A. Rondstad. We had the pleasure of bumping into Dr. 90210 who became a fan of the face of Bokaos Aveda...also known around the reality TV  circuit (Split Ends-Final Cut) as the "Green Hairstylist," not for the color of her skin (although when she's upset she might turn a little green) but for the 20yrs of leading the hair industry in environmental practices. She was preaching the ways that we could give back to mother earth before sustainability was a common word. 

Dr. Robert Rey is a leading plastic surgeon known for his perfectionist style, professional work ethic and the naturally gorgeous results he provides to his patients.

We have been using and loving his new and effective skin care line called  Sensual Solutions, available at Nordstrom's. Plumper lips, smoother eye area, plumper skin immediately. The travel kit is a must, give your skin a much needed vacation too!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day the Cali Way!

In the beauty business, we labor on Labor Day. However, it is not all about hard work : ). It is also about Vodka infused snow cones, hot girl DJs, and your typical LA garb ( jeans+ tee shirt). Forget the fashion world rule, "no white after labor day", whit
e is a must in Cali 90 degree weather.

Three day weekend, also spells family time. We went to the coolest Downtown LA spot, Bottega Louie. With its open airy feel you can see all three seperate kitchens--one for pizza, pasteries, and meats. Yum! Yes all 3 Kitchens were put to the test. On the third day and  In this heat, pilling up your bike in your car and heading to the closest pier--like the Santa Monica Pier (which just turned 100 this week) is a must, just like having a hot dog on a stick!

Being a hairdresser , I always look at women , in every city or country I visit. Always looking for inspiration and new ways that women express their aesthetic beauty. I can't help but notice our California Beach Bunnys, regardless of how hot it gets, there is plenty of 24 inch golden blonde hair in site---& I bet that in some of these lucious, Rapunzel like tresses live the amazing undetectable prescence of "hair dreams " hair extensions. Yes, my fave type of hair extensions . It is usually Australian hair, never colored just glorious virgin blonde hair . Sigh .....
To put a bow on a dreamy weekend, we visited "El Padrino" aka my boys Godfather and celebrated by having dinner at Bandera in Brentwood. Their Tuna Poke--Out of this world! Got distracted by the monkeying around of the three rowdy boys--picture included. :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Los Angeles Fires- Appreciating Nature Now

WHY do we take Nature for GRANTED?
Last week the amber mountains that surrounded me,
both at home and at work made me realize how small yet how free we are.
Ashes covered all the steps to the front of my door. I explained nightly to my
eight-year-old son that we were safe, to no avail. He kept insisting: "How? It looks so close to us??" For his sanity and my lungs , I piled up a few things in the car and my boys and I drove on and away. I found a beautiful green forest where the boys learned about black bears and the last of the California Grizzly bear (1920), caves adorned with crystals that sparkled deep in the dark, and most importantly, about these magical giants which sport burn scars for they too had had a fire.
These scars however, ensure the future of these endangered species that so many have fought to protect, The Sequoias. Some are 1700 years old!
I always wanted to take my boys , but never had. It took a fire to make me brave and willing to do this, I always thought I would need the company of a grown male so we could be safe. Guess not! In the end, I learned that I am definitely not made for camping but that I am empowered 
to protect and distract my boys from the fragility that is to be human in this planet. Lucca learned that not all fires destroy but give life. Kostas learned that it takes 400 steps to climb the Moro Rock (but 399 steps to get sick and lose your lunch). Our ranger, like a forest fairy, standing beautiful in her hat and khakis, left us with these words: "In the end we will protect only that which we love. We only love that which we understand. 
We understand only that which we are taught."

Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7, 2009 Padma Lakshmi

Padma Lakshmi is host of Bravo's reality show Top Chef and, aside from being a cookbook author, an actress and a model, she is a survivor. Padma always carries herself with a self-assured dignity that I am IN love with. She definitely has a sheer beauty with glowing and natural-looking skin that can only be maintained by using a quality sunscreen, such as Aveda's Tourmaline Charged Protecting Lotion Spf 15/Oil-Free

I choose to generally avoid sun scortching my skin by opting for a healthy spray tan by Infinitysun.

Even Padma's humorous take on a little culinary indulgence is enticing.
Padma meats her meat from Brian on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

September 5, 2009

People & Things I'm IN love with:

  1. SCOTT HARRISON of Charity Water
    It's so simple, yet absolutely vital that we help our children in need of clean drinking water. I contribute to Charity Water and I encourage you to just consider doing the same.  Scott's recent video truly inspires me. What do you think?