Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Your Makeup Could Be Aging You!

Four Ways Your Makeup Is Aging You

1.Using any products that contain alcohol. Alcohol-based products dry your skin out. You skin already loses much of its youthful moisture as it ages, so no need to worsen the problem. Water based products are a much more gentle alternative.

2. Many cosmetics contain parabens as a preservative. Parabens can be carcinogenic and have a hormone-altering effect on your body, thus making your skin look less resilient. Seek out paraben-free cosmetic options and read the labels.

3. Petroleum products are heavy, not easily absorbed, and can settle into fine lines and wrinkles. They also can have a drying effect. When this thicker product settles into fine lines around the lips and eyes, it creates a highlighting effect, drawing more attention to these areas. Again, using water-based options is a far more healthy alternative for your complexion.

4. Using SPF. Making sure to use a moisturizer, primer or foundation that contains SPF is essential to keeping skin looking healthy and avoiding skin cancers. UV rays cause any skin blemishes or age spots to increasingly darken with exposure, and wrinkles to develop. Protecting your skin with an SPF product is the most important step to keeping your makeup from aging you.

Bonus: When applying your makeup or creams to the sensitive, thin skin around the eyes, be sure to use a blotting, tapping motion with your ring finger instead of pulling or tugging. Blotting with your weakest finger prevents you from harming this delicate skin or contributing to any fine lines or wrinkles.

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