Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Confessions From The Chair: 3 Things To Watch Out For

       "I need space."Maybe I should get my own place.
 "I'm depressed."I don't want to bring you down too.
"No,I'm not dieting."The weight is just dropping off.

After talking to women for over 25 years behind the chair, I start to see certain patterns with the same inevitable outcome and reason. I have learned something about men who are ready to leap away from their marriages or families.  This man reminds me a bit of my labrador. I should add that I love my Newton. I don't think men mean to be this way but they become selfish and one track minded, yet they are also very practical and visual-- with very short attention spans. Some times my Newi would run away from home.He was looking for something new to conquer , chasing down a new smell-- looking for some exciting adventure. 

They're not going to break up a home and create 10 million problems to unravel a marriage unless there is some sort of big payoff.                                (My dog, Newton)

So, ladies!...when your lovely man comes home and tells you any of those 3 believable lines, you can be assured that they think they are in love with another woman (or man). It is at this very moment that a woman needs to think with absolute clarity as she preceeds to go deaf, dumb and blind. She will SWEAR up and down to me, her hairdresser, that there's not someone else in the equation.  

I tell you this right here, in 99.9% of these stories, there has only been one man that was an exception to this rule. But actually, he never even moved out or packed anything. And when left home alone he committed suicide because he was in fact, depressed. 
I say, fight for your family. Don't let him walk so easily. Do everything in your power to make it go right. After the ecstacy is gone, 99.9% want to come back home...just like my Newton.


  1. check out my site at

  2. Thank you Hasblady. Wise words. There is a book "Created To Be His HelpMeet" which has a chapter on this very thing you talk about. Although this book would be considered "backwards" in this modern age... it's applications are timeless. Highly recommend. - Jumi
